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torsdag 20 september 2018

Yllätystieto muhamettilaisten ashura-paastojuhlasta

samaan aikaan kun israelilaisilla on Jom Kippur paasto,vuorokausi ilman vettä ja ruokaa- muhamettilaisilla on ollut ns. Ashura- pasto, joka linkin kertomuksen mukaan on saanut alkunsa  eräästä Jom kippur-paastosta kauan sitten.

'Ashura' commemorates the day that Allah saved the Children of Israel from Pharaoh.
Fasting on Muharram 10, known as the Day of 'Ashura', expiates for the sins of the past year. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) arrived in Madinah in 622 CE, he found that the Jews there fasted on Muharram 10 and asked them the reason for their fasting on this day. They said," This is a blessed day. On this day Allah saved the Children of Israel from their enemy (in Egypt) and so Prophet Musa [Moses] fasted on this day giving thanks to Allah."

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