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tisdag 7 maj 2019

Israelin tiistai: Gaza alkaa koota uusia rakettikekojaan.


Toistaiseksi Gazan strategia on kuin termiittikeoilla- Kyllä se onistuu jos aina tuhoaa . Jonkin ajan kuluttua koko maapallo on kuin saharn termiittikekoja. Lienee sitten  islamilaisilla  onnelliset olot.

Mitä Israel tänään tekee?
Israelilla on alkanut   Kaatuneitten muistopäivä  Jom HaZiccaron.

Mitä Israel huomenna tekee?
Israel juhlii  Itsenäisyyspäivää.  Ijarkuun 4. päivä 5779.  
Mitä hyvää voisi Israelille toivottaa Jumalan siunauksen lisäksi, joka Israelilla jo on?
Toivon Tsraelille hyviä naapurivaltioita, jotka ovat oikeusvaltioita ja joissa  on lämminsydämisiä ihmisiä ja  todella  miellyttäviä naapureita, joiden kanssa Lähi-Itä  voi  tulla paikaksi, jonne kristikunta mielellään tulee  pyhiinvaellusmatkalle Raamatun pyhille paikoille  pelkäämättä  islamilaisten taholta tulevia  sotia ja  vaaroja.
Toivon Lähi-Itään rauhaa, jossa jokainen alue ja valtio  sallii naapurialueilleenkin  rauhanaikoja maanviljelykseen, vesistöjen hoitoon, ilmastonmuutoksesta selviämiseen,  yhteiskuntien moderniin rakentamiseen ja jossa toimii valtiollinen  politiikka, demokratia, tasa-arvo ja koulut ja kaikki tieteenalat  kuten niissä  maissa, joissa  on päästy maailmansotien kurimuksista ja opittu välttämään sotaa. Rauha Israelille ja  vihollisuuksien lopettaminen  Israelin vihollisille. Silloin on koko maailman rauha!

JPost 7.5. 2019

...a rocket propelled grenade (RPG)** attached to a drone. The RPG-laden drone, which landed on a tank deployed along the border, did not explode.
On Saturday night, Moshe Agadi, Z"L  a father of four, was killed when a rocket struck his home in Ashkelon when he went out to smoke a cigarette. He was struck by shrapnel to his stomach and chest and was taken by Magen David Adom teams to Barzilai Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Moshe Feder Z"L,, 64, from Kfar Saba, was killed Sunday afternoon after a *Kornet anti-tank guided missile struck a car near the Gaza border between the communities of Yad Mordechai and Sderot.

Ziad Alhamamda Z"L
  was killed after he was critically injured in his chest by shrapnel from a direct strike on a factory in Ashkelon, dying from his wounds shortly after.

Pinchas Menachem Prezuazman Z"L ,
21 years-old, was also killed Sunday evening after he suffered severe shrapnel injuries to his chest while running to a shelter in Ashdod.

On Sunday afternoon, Israel’s Security Cabinet met and instructed the military to intensify its attacks in the Strip.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said on Sunday night that he does not rule out the possibility of reaching a ceasefire agreement with Israel.

* Tästä  tekstitä ei selviä minkä koon  ja minkä valmistajan antitankkeriohjus oli kyseessä.
Wikipedia kertoo esimerkiksi: 
The Kornet-EM is a multi-purpose anti tank guided missile system designed and manufactured by KBP Instrument Design Bureau. The long-range missile system was unveiled at the Moscow Airshow (MAKS) in August 2011. The system was also demonstrated at the Russian Arms Expo (RAE) in September 2013.
The missile system is designed to destroy advanced and modern tanks fitted with explosive reactive armour, light-armoured vehicles and fortifications. It can also engage surface-level marine and low-speed aerial targets at ranges between 150m and 10,000m.

**  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket-propelled_grenade

Tarrkennan  tietoja  tapausten kulusta IDF- uutisista: 

Zahalin uutisissa  kuvataan 48 tunnin terroriaaltoa näin:

48 Hours of Terror from Gaza
Over the course of 48 hours, southern Israel was struck with an endless barrage of rockets from Gaza. While Israeli families were observing the Sabbath on Friday and Saturday terror groups Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas fired more than 690 rockets from Gaza into Israel.
At one of Hamas’ weekly violent riots along Israel’s security fence with Gaza on Friday, snipers in the southern Gaza Strip opened fire on the Israeli side of the fence, wounding two IDF soldiers. In response to the attack, the IDF struck a Hamas military post.

The following morning, Saturday, May 4, Hamas and PIJ began a massive rocket bombardment, indiscriminately firing rockets at Israeli civilians. Air raid sirens sounded across southern and central Israel, sending thousands of Israeli civilians into shelters.
Those who couldn’t make it to reinforced shelters ran for cover, others laid on the ground, covering their heads with their hands in case of falling shrapnel.
Round-the-clock Terror
Four Israelis were killed in the rocket attacks: Moshe Agadi, 58; Pinchas Menachem Prezuazman, 21; Zaid al-Hamamde, 47; and Moshe Feder, 68.
More than 130 other Israelis were wounded, and hundreds more are suffering from shock and anxiety. Rockets launched by Hamas and PIJ have hit homes, schools, kindergartens, and other civilian targets.
Soldiers operating the Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted more than 240 of the over 690 rockets fired towards Israeli cities, towns, and villages, preventing countless deaths and injuries and avoiding further damage.
IDF Defends  
The IDF responded to the round-the-clock rocket attacks with focused strikes on approximately 350 Hamas and PIJ terror targets in the Gaza Strip. These included rocket launch sites, terror squads, terror operatives, command centers, weapon storage facilities, observation posts, and military compounds.
Also targeted was a Hamas underground rocket manufacturing facility, a PIJ cross-border terror tunnel shaft, Hamas’ Military Intelligence and the General Security offices, Hamas and PIJ naval vessels, Hamas’ cyber headquarters, and weapon manufacturing sites.
Many of the targeted sites had been intentionally embedded and concealed in densely populated civilian areas; these terror groups use their own civilians to shield their terror infrastructure.
The IDF will continue to defend the people of Israel and will continue to act against those who threaten them.

lördag 4 maj 2019

Matteus-leeviläisen evankeliumi

Kuuntelin  tämän 4.5. 2019. 
Toda LaEl, Toda leChaverim Messichim!

torsdag 2 maj 2019

JOM HASHOA- päivän rukous

Today, on Yom HaShoah, we call on You, Almighty God, to help us hear Your voice that says in every generation:
Do not murder.
Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbour.
Do not oppress the stranger.
We know that whilst we do not have the ability to change the past, we can change the future.
We know that whilst we cannot bring the dead back to life, we can ensure their memories live on and that their deaths were not in vain.
And so, on this Yom HaShoah, we commit ourselves to one simple act: Yizkor, Remember.
May the souls of the victims be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
