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måndag 8 oktober 2018

Brasiliasta kasvava Alijah

Brasilia on muuttumassa ryöstömurhaajien luolaksi ja juutalainen väestö alkaa väistyä pois sieltä.
Esim vuonna 12014 väkivaltaisen kuooleman koki  yli 50 000 brasilialaista. Tämä viitaa ihan meksikon ja kolumbian tapaisten narkotkamaiden  murhiin.
Mikä brasilialaisia  vikuutaa, jokin narkotikako?

USA antaa  tilastoa 2016:

A. Introduction
Brazil is a major transit and destination country for cocaine. Its border with Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay is porous and over three times the length of the U.S. border with Mexico. The majority of cocaine transiting Brazil is destined for European markets, often via West Africa. The Brazilian drug trade is controlled by large, violent, and well-organized drug trafficking organizations operating throughout the country. Brazil suffers from a substantial and growing domestic drug consumption problem. It is the world’s second-largest consumer of cocaine hydrochloride and likely the largest consumer of cocaine in its base form. The Government of Brazil recognizes the gravity of the illicit drugs issue and is committed to combating drug trafficking but does not have the institutional capacity to stem the flow of illegal drugs across its borders.
In 2015, Brazil faced both an economic recession and a fiscal short-fall, which are likely to result in budget cuts across government agencies in 2016, including at the enforcement and social welfare agencies that address drug flow and abuse.

Nyt kun juutalaisväestö alkaa jättää väkivaltaisen brasilian, maa kyllä  luhistuu samaan mafiakurjuuteen kuin muutkin kokaiinintuotajamaat, autodextruktioon ja toistensa murhaamisiin.


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