Aron Jacob (Jacobsen), a merchant from Frederiksstad in Schleswig first got permission in 1799 settle live and work in Viborg, where he and some others were permitted to hold religious services in a rented room.
In 1807 he moved to Aalborg and together with the merchant Henrik Wulff Bendix he applied for permission to have a synagogue in Aalborg. However, at the same time Rafael Hartvig Cohn also living in Aalborg sent in a similar application. The chancellery would not decide in the matter before the two parties came to an agreement.
At that time there were only a few Jewish families in Aalborg, but the community grew fast and in 1834 there were 119 persons, in 1854 123 persons. In 1854 the beautiful synagogue in Aalborg was built and the "Jewish priest" - as he is called officially - Salomon Mielziner begins his 35 years long service for the community.
A decline set in - as in many other provincial towns - and from 1890 there were no more services held in the synagogue.
In 1924 the building was donated to the city of Aalborg, which used it for the City Archives (Stadsarkivet) for about 20 years.
The 19. March 1945 the building was set aflame by some members of the "Schalburg Korps", and the former synagogue burned to the ground.
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