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måndag 30 maj 2016
onsdag 25 maj 2016
AMI-keskuksesta kirje 15. tammikuuta 2002
Tänään kun järjestelmin kirjahyllyjä, löysin ruotsinkielisen kirjeen muistivihoistani. Kirje tuli oravaisiin, josa olin töissä silloin. En ollut huomannut aukaista sitä vuonna 2002- liimasin vain vihkoon kuoren Suomessa ja nyt sitten otin sen esiin. Kirjoitan sen tähän.
Jerusalem den 15 januari 2002.
"Kära vänner, Shalom från Jerualem!
I december 2001 firade vi Chanukka eller "tempelvigningsfesten" här i Israel. Den kallas också "ljushögtiden", eftersom vi firar ljusets seger över mörkret i samband med judarnas förföljelser under Mackabeertiden. Den här högtiden nämns i Johannes 10: 22-23, som berättar att Jesus deltog i den när "det var vinter". I december firar alltså både judar och kristna Herrens ljus, Hans seger, fred och frid.
I Israel upplever vi en mycket svår tid, eftersom så många människor har dödats i självmordsattacker i Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa och andra områden i landet. I Jerusalem ägde de här attackerna rum alldeles intill min lägenhet. Den här situationen påverkar oss givetvis på många sätt, och vi frågar oss hur länge skall detta pågå.
Det heliga kriget emot oss leds av Hamas, islamska Jihad och andra terrororganisationer. De har ännu inte gett upp den gamla drömmen att kasta oss i havet. De har tagit på sig ansvaret för dessa illdåd och har lovat fortsätta sina attacker mot den judiska staten och dess invånare, även om de för tillfället lovat att göra ett uppehåll. Sorgligt nog kan de finna stöd för sitt judehat i sin heliga skrift , koranen.
Mitt i allt detta svåra har vårt folk aldrig varit så eniga som nu. Och vi får inte glömma vilka under Gud har gjort i detta land. Vi har fått tillbaka våra fäders land. Judar återvänder från hela världen. Öknen blommar. Detta är ett levande bevis på att Gud håller sina löften. ingen förmår stå emot Hans vilja och göra om intet Hans planer. Låt oss därför stå upp för israel när landet behöver allt stöd det kan få från sina vänner.
Som ni säkert vet, besökte vi Etiopien i oktober 2001 och överlämnade då 25 000 biblar. Det innebär en stor glädje att få dela med sig av "Livets Bröd", som vi har i sådan rikedom. Etiopien har lidit svårt. Under 70-talet hamnade landet under kommunistiskt styre, som lade landet i ruiner och förtryckte dess folk. Idag arbetar islamska rörelser mycket hårt i landet och har stora framgångar, främst beroende på den svåra ekonomiska situationen. Man "köper" människor och får dem att konvertera från kristendomen till islam.
Efter Sydafrika och Indien är Etiopien det land som har drabbats svårast av HIV. I Addis Abeba dör 250 personer varje dag i aids. Vi har nu ett tillfälle och en öppen dörr att hjälpa dessa människor, trösta dem och välsigna dem.
Jag skriver det här brevet till er med en bön att Herren skall hjälpa oss att fortsätta trycka Hans Ord för detta stora land som har en befolkning på ca 70 miljoner.
En väckelse, vars like jag aldrig sett, går nu fram över landet. Den beräknas beröra ungefär 13 miljoner. I en situation när islam går fram och så många samtidigt är öppna för Guds Ord, är det mycket viktigt att vi gör allt vi kan för att göra Bibeln tillgänglig. Vi är nu redo att trycka en upplaga på 25 000 biblar på amhariska. När jag var i Japan i slutet av förra året 2001 hjälpte våra japanska vänner oss med bidrag till tryckningen. Vi behöver dock ytterligare ungefär två hundra tusen kronor. För endast omkring 30 kronor kan vi trycka en bibel. Detta är verkligen en investering i Guds rike. med er hjälp och bön kommer vi att kunna slutföra det här uppdraget. jag vädjar därför om er förbön och ert stöd och hoppas att många ska känna sig kallade att skänka åtminstone några biblar.
Jag tänker ofta på vad som hände när jag gått igenom den stora hjärtoperationen för tio år sedan. innan den ägde rum ville jag läsa Bibeln. jag läste Psalm 119 och jag frågade om jag kunde få ha Bibeln hos mig under operationen. Den måste steriliseras och sjukhuspersonalen slog sedan den i en särskild förpackning. När jag vaknade efter operationen såg jag ljuset från lamporna. Jag var ansluten till tuber och slangar överallt. Jag försökte känna efter om Bibeln fortfarande var där. När jag förstod att den verkligen fanns hos mig upplevde jag en trygghet långt bortom den som läkarna och den fina sjukhuspersonalen kunde ge. Guds Ord förmedlade Hans frid, Hans närvaro. Den oändligt stora gåvan vill jag förmedla till så många som möjligt, just nu i Etiopien och tidigare f.d. Sovjetunionen och många, många länder. Ordets skatt har en rikedom att ge mitt i all fattigdom, och utan det Ordet är man fattig oavsett vad man annars har.
När vi nu gått in i år 2002 har vi stor anledning att tacka och lova Gud. Jag försöker förgäves räkna alla Hans välsignelser Han har gett oss så många möjligheter här i Jerusalem att sprida ordets rikedom, att bygga broar av förståelse och respekt mellan judar och kristna och att på olika sätt stödja Israel.
Vi är mycket glada över , att många barn och ungdomar har fått en läkande behandling i barnens behandlingshem och därmed möjlighet till ett nytt liv. Vi ser glada och harmoniska barn återvända hem till sina ofta sargade familjer. De bär då med sig mycken välsignelse. På så sätt blir behandlingshemmet inte bara till hjälp för barnen utan också för deras familjer och för många andra som de återvänder till.
Jag är tacksam mot herren för allt ni gör för AMI- JC vars uppdrag ständigt förnyas och utökas. På gamla och nya vägar fortsätter vi framåt. Nu vill jag önska er ett riktigt gott nytt år (2003). Må det bli ett år då det blir alltmer uppenbart att herren har hela världen i sin hand, och må det bli ett år då vi får bli till välsignelse för allt fler. Er tillgivne Shlomo."
Vuosi 2001 Israelin historiasta:
Jerusalem den 15 januari 2002.
"Kära vänner, Shalom från Jerualem!
I december 2001 firade vi Chanukka eller "tempelvigningsfesten" här i Israel. Den kallas också "ljushögtiden", eftersom vi firar ljusets seger över mörkret i samband med judarnas förföljelser under Mackabeertiden. Den här högtiden nämns i Johannes 10: 22-23, som berättar att Jesus deltog i den när "det var vinter". I december firar alltså både judar och kristna Herrens ljus, Hans seger, fred och frid.
I Israel upplever vi en mycket svår tid, eftersom så många människor har dödats i självmordsattacker i Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa och andra områden i landet. I Jerusalem ägde de här attackerna rum alldeles intill min lägenhet. Den här situationen påverkar oss givetvis på många sätt, och vi frågar oss hur länge skall detta pågå.
Det heliga kriget emot oss leds av Hamas, islamska Jihad och andra terrororganisationer. De har ännu inte gett upp den gamla drömmen att kasta oss i havet. De har tagit på sig ansvaret för dessa illdåd och har lovat fortsätta sina attacker mot den judiska staten och dess invånare, även om de för tillfället lovat att göra ett uppehåll. Sorgligt nog kan de finna stöd för sitt judehat i sin heliga skrift , koranen.
Mitt i allt detta svåra har vårt folk aldrig varit så eniga som nu. Och vi får inte glömma vilka under Gud har gjort i detta land. Vi har fått tillbaka våra fäders land. Judar återvänder från hela världen. Öknen blommar. Detta är ett levande bevis på att Gud håller sina löften. ingen förmår stå emot Hans vilja och göra om intet Hans planer. Låt oss därför stå upp för israel när landet behöver allt stöd det kan få från sina vänner.
Som ni säkert vet, besökte vi Etiopien i oktober 2001 och överlämnade då 25 000 biblar. Det innebär en stor glädje att få dela med sig av "Livets Bröd", som vi har i sådan rikedom. Etiopien har lidit svårt. Under 70-talet hamnade landet under kommunistiskt styre, som lade landet i ruiner och förtryckte dess folk. Idag arbetar islamska rörelser mycket hårt i landet och har stora framgångar, främst beroende på den svåra ekonomiska situationen. Man "köper" människor och får dem att konvertera från kristendomen till islam.
Efter Sydafrika och Indien är Etiopien det land som har drabbats svårast av HIV. I Addis Abeba dör 250 personer varje dag i aids. Vi har nu ett tillfälle och en öppen dörr att hjälpa dessa människor, trösta dem och välsigna dem.
Jag skriver det här brevet till er med en bön att Herren skall hjälpa oss att fortsätta trycka Hans Ord för detta stora land som har en befolkning på ca 70 miljoner.
En väckelse, vars like jag aldrig sett, går nu fram över landet. Den beräknas beröra ungefär 13 miljoner. I en situation när islam går fram och så många samtidigt är öppna för Guds Ord, är det mycket viktigt att vi gör allt vi kan för att göra Bibeln tillgänglig. Vi är nu redo att trycka en upplaga på 25 000 biblar på amhariska. När jag var i Japan i slutet av förra året 2001 hjälpte våra japanska vänner oss med bidrag till tryckningen. Vi behöver dock ytterligare ungefär två hundra tusen kronor. För endast omkring 30 kronor kan vi trycka en bibel. Detta är verkligen en investering i Guds rike. med er hjälp och bön kommer vi att kunna slutföra det här uppdraget. jag vädjar därför om er förbön och ert stöd och hoppas att många ska känna sig kallade att skänka åtminstone några biblar.
Jag tänker ofta på vad som hände när jag gått igenom den stora hjärtoperationen för tio år sedan. innan den ägde rum ville jag läsa Bibeln. jag läste Psalm 119 och jag frågade om jag kunde få ha Bibeln hos mig under operationen. Den måste steriliseras och sjukhuspersonalen slog sedan den i en särskild förpackning. När jag vaknade efter operationen såg jag ljuset från lamporna. Jag var ansluten till tuber och slangar överallt. Jag försökte känna efter om Bibeln fortfarande var där. När jag förstod att den verkligen fanns hos mig upplevde jag en trygghet långt bortom den som läkarna och den fina sjukhuspersonalen kunde ge. Guds Ord förmedlade Hans frid, Hans närvaro. Den oändligt stora gåvan vill jag förmedla till så många som möjligt, just nu i Etiopien och tidigare f.d. Sovjetunionen och många, många länder. Ordets skatt har en rikedom att ge mitt i all fattigdom, och utan det Ordet är man fattig oavsett vad man annars har.
När vi nu gått in i år 2002 har vi stor anledning att tacka och lova Gud. Jag försöker förgäves räkna alla Hans välsignelser Han har gett oss så många möjligheter här i Jerusalem att sprida ordets rikedom, att bygga broar av förståelse och respekt mellan judar och kristna och att på olika sätt stödja Israel.
Vi är mycket glada över , att många barn och ungdomar har fått en läkande behandling i barnens behandlingshem och därmed möjlighet till ett nytt liv. Vi ser glada och harmoniska barn återvända hem till sina ofta sargade familjer. De bär då med sig mycken välsignelse. På så sätt blir behandlingshemmet inte bara till hjälp för barnen utan också för deras familjer och för många andra som de återvänder till.
Jag är tacksam mot herren för allt ni gör för AMI- JC vars uppdrag ständigt förnyas och utökas. På gamla och nya vägar fortsätter vi framåt. Nu vill jag önska er ett riktigt gott nytt år (2003). Må det bli ett år då det blir alltmer uppenbart att herren har hela världen i sin hand, och må det bli ett år då vi får bli till välsignelse för allt fler. Er tillgivne Shlomo."
Vuosi 2001 Israelin historiasta:
Main article: Violence in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 2001
January 21–27 | Taba Summit. Peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed to reach the "final status" of negotiations. Ehud Barak temporarily withdrew from negotiations during the Israeli elections, and subsequently Ariel Sharon refused to continue negotiating in the face of the newly erupted violence. |
February 6 | Ariel Sharon of Likud elected Prime Minister and refused to continue negotiations with Yasser Arafat at the Taba Summit. |
March 26 | Murder of Shalhevet Pass, a 10-month-old Israeli baby was shot dead by a Palestinian sniper.[55] The Israeli public was shocked when the investigation concluded that the sniper deliberately aimed for the baby.[56] |
June 1 | Dolphinarium massacre. A Hamas suicide bomber exploded himself at the entrance of a club. 21 Israelis killed, over 100 injured, all youth. Five months prior to the bombing, there was a failed terrorist attempt at the same spot. |
August 9 | Sbarro restaurant massacre. A suicide bomber wearing an explosive belt weighing 5 to 10 kilograms, containing explosives, nails, nuts and bolts, detonated his bomb. In the blast 15 people (including 7 children and a pregnant woman) were killed, and 130 wounded. Both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad initially claimed responsibility. |
August 27 | Abu Ali Mustafa, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was assassinated by an Israeli missile shot by an Apache helicopter through his office window in Ramallah.[57] |
October 17 | Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi assassinated in Jerusalem by members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. |
December 1 | 11 Israeli civilians, nine of them teenagers, were killed and 188 injured in a Hamas suicide bombing attack.[58] |
tisdag 24 maj 2016
36 Rabbiinisukupolven ketjun 37. sukupolven lapsi pelastui Holokaustista Israelin päärabbiiniksi
Kirjahyllyistäni löytyi yli kymmenen vuoden takaa paperi, jonka tekstin kirjoitan muistiin 24.5. 2016. Linkistä saan tekstiin vielä täydennystä Lolakin ja Naftalin, rabbiinisukupolven nuorien, ihmeelliseen kertomukseen, miten he pääsivät kuoleman laaksosta Israeliin, elävien maahan. Löydän myös muita lähteitä englanniksi.
Lähde http://www.lchaimweekly.org/lchaim/5754/314.htm
The time: 4:10 a.m.
The door to the Rebbe's room opened, and the Rebbe could be seen escorting a young rabbi out.
He had just finished a private audience that lasted for two hours and forty minutes. The tens of students waiting outside were filled with curiosity.
They had heard that the pleasant man served as the rabbi of a neighborhood in Tel Aviv, but this did not justify such a lengthy private audience.
When they heard the Rebbe's final words to the young rabbi, their curiosity turned to respect. What had the Rebbe said? "I bless you that just as today your influence spreads over part of Tel Aviv, it should eventually spread over all of Tel Aviv and finally over all of Israel."
The young rabbi pondered the surprising conclusion to his discussion with the Rebbe.
He had thought that his greatest accomplishment was that he was still alive and able to meet the Rebbe. Yet the Rebbe had predicted a great and glorious future for him.
His thoughts returned to the past...
Seven-and-a-half year old Lolak knew that his parents were no longer alive. He knew that his brothers had also died.
Only he and Naftali, who was ten years older than he, were left.
Even Naftali had been cruelly separated from him. Lolak was being held with Russian prisoners of war, while his brother was kept nearby in a section reserved for Jews.
One morning Naftali was ordered to join a group of Jews who were told that they were going to work outside the camp. Naftali knew better. He realized that this was to be his final journey, a march to death. His eyes furiously searched the other side of the fence until he found what he was looking for - his little brother Lolak.
Under the eyes of the camp guards, he ran towards his brother and motioned him to come close to the fence. He stretched his hands through the fence to touch his brother one last time, and then, with tears streaming down his face, he said, "Listen, my dear Lolak. They are taking me away, and we will never see each other again. If you do manage to live, know that there is a place in the world called the Land of Israel. Go there and say only that you are the son of the Rav of Pietrokov. We have an uncle there who will surely find you."
Against all odds, in a most miraculous way, Naftali managed to escape the jaws of death.
He lived to find his brother and rescue him.
For months the two boys fled from the Germans and hid in the forest.
At times Naftali had to carry his little Lolak hidden in a sack on his shoulders. They both survived the war and reached the shores of the Holy Land.
Lolak was now known by his full name, Yisrael Meir Lau.
He grew up and studied in a yeshiva.
One goal always stood before him: to become a Rav.
A glorious chain of thirty-six generations of rabbis had preceded him. He was determined not to break the chain.
Years passed and Yisrael Meir succeeded in his goal.
He was appointed as the rabbi of an important neighborhood in North Tel Aviv.
In the years to come, Rabbi Lau earned a place of honor in the rabbinic world. From the neighborhood in North Tel Aviv, he went on to become the Chief Rabbi of Netanya.
Early in the spring of 5748 (1988), Rabbi Lau arrived once again in New York to meet with the Rebbe.
His esteemed father-in-law, Rav Yedidya Frankel, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, had passed away a year and a half earlier.
During their meeting the Rebbe had hinted that Rabbi Yisrael Meir would soon be appointed Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.
When Rabbi Lau informed the Rebbe that elections to the post of chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv had not yet been held - the elective body had not even been appointed - the Rebbe just smiled and said, "Indeed, the formal elections have not yet taken place, but in Heaven, the decision has already been made as to who will be the next Rabbi of Tel Aviv."
Less than seven months later, on the 15th of Elul, Rabbi Lau was appointed Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.
Exactly three years later to the day, Rabbi Lau again arrived at "770."
It was a Sunday, when the Rebbe handed out his weekly dollars for tzedaka.
Rabbi Lau told the Rebbe about the mikva that was being built in Tel Aviv and other projects he had initiated. He asked for the Rebbe's blessing for all these activities.
Suddenly, without any preamble, the Rebbe said to Rabbi Lau, "You should go from strength to strength. Snatch whatever time you can during your administration as Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv... in two years or less you will be appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel."
Excited and perhaps a bit confused, Rabbi Lau answered, "With the Rebbe's blessing."
"But a person cannot be forced in such a matter. It must be with your consent," the Rebbe continued. "If I intercede in this matter, then it will probably become a reality..."
Indeed, less than a year and a half later, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau was appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel.
During a spontaneous meal of thanksgiving that night in his home, Rabbi Lau revealed that despite all the tension of the election campaign, he had never doubted that he would merit the esteemed position. As he stated in numerous interviews, he believes in the prophetic words of the Rebbe, which have proven to be true time and again.
Lähde http://www.lchaimweekly.org/lchaim/5754/314.htm
The date: Spring, 5734 (1974).
The place: 770 Eastern Parkway, the reception room of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's office.The time: 4:10 a.m.
The door to the Rebbe's room opened, and the Rebbe could be seen escorting a young rabbi out.
He had just finished a private audience that lasted for two hours and forty minutes. The tens of students waiting outside were filled with curiosity.
They had heard that the pleasant man served as the rabbi of a neighborhood in Tel Aviv, but this did not justify such a lengthy private audience.
When they heard the Rebbe's final words to the young rabbi, their curiosity turned to respect. What had the Rebbe said? "I bless you that just as today your influence spreads over part of Tel Aviv, it should eventually spread over all of Tel Aviv and finally over all of Israel."
The young rabbi pondered the surprising conclusion to his discussion with the Rebbe.
He had thought that his greatest accomplishment was that he was still alive and able to meet the Rebbe. Yet the Rebbe had predicted a great and glorious future for him.
His thoughts returned to the past...
Seven-and-a-half year old Lolak knew that his parents were no longer alive. He knew that his brothers had also died.
Only he and Naftali, who was ten years older than he, were left.
Even Naftali had been cruelly separated from him. Lolak was being held with Russian prisoners of war, while his brother was kept nearby in a section reserved for Jews.
One morning Naftali was ordered to join a group of Jews who were told that they were going to work outside the camp. Naftali knew better. He realized that this was to be his final journey, a march to death. His eyes furiously searched the other side of the fence until he found what he was looking for - his little brother Lolak.
Under the eyes of the camp guards, he ran towards his brother and motioned him to come close to the fence. He stretched his hands through the fence to touch his brother one last time, and then, with tears streaming down his face, he said, "Listen, my dear Lolak. They are taking me away, and we will never see each other again. If you do manage to live, know that there is a place in the world called the Land of Israel. Go there and say only that you are the son of the Rav of Pietrokov. We have an uncle there who will surely find you."
Against all odds, in a most miraculous way, Naftali managed to escape the jaws of death.
He lived to find his brother and rescue him.
For months the two boys fled from the Germans and hid in the forest.
At times Naftali had to carry his little Lolak hidden in a sack on his shoulders. They both survived the war and reached the shores of the Holy Land.
Lolak was now known by his full name, Yisrael Meir Lau.
He grew up and studied in a yeshiva.
One goal always stood before him: to become a Rav.
A glorious chain of thirty-six generations of rabbis had preceded him. He was determined not to break the chain.
Years passed and Yisrael Meir succeeded in his goal.
He was appointed as the rabbi of an important neighborhood in North Tel Aviv.
In the years to come, Rabbi Lau earned a place of honor in the rabbinic world. From the neighborhood in North Tel Aviv, he went on to become the Chief Rabbi of Netanya.
Early in the spring of 5748 (1988), Rabbi Lau arrived once again in New York to meet with the Rebbe.
His esteemed father-in-law, Rav Yedidya Frankel, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, had passed away a year and a half earlier.
During their meeting the Rebbe had hinted that Rabbi Yisrael Meir would soon be appointed Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.
When Rabbi Lau informed the Rebbe that elections to the post of chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv had not yet been held - the elective body had not even been appointed - the Rebbe just smiled and said, "Indeed, the formal elections have not yet taken place, but in Heaven, the decision has already been made as to who will be the next Rabbi of Tel Aviv."
Less than seven months later, on the 15th of Elul, Rabbi Lau was appointed Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv.
Exactly three years later to the day, Rabbi Lau again arrived at "770."
It was a Sunday, when the Rebbe handed out his weekly dollars for tzedaka.
Rabbi Lau told the Rebbe about the mikva that was being built in Tel Aviv and other projects he had initiated. He asked for the Rebbe's blessing for all these activities.
Suddenly, without any preamble, the Rebbe said to Rabbi Lau, "You should go from strength to strength. Snatch whatever time you can during your administration as Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv... in two years or less you will be appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel."
Excited and perhaps a bit confused, Rabbi Lau answered, "With the Rebbe's blessing."
"But a person cannot be forced in such a matter. It must be with your consent," the Rebbe continued. "If I intercede in this matter, then it will probably become a reality..."
Indeed, less than a year and a half later, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau was appointed Chief Rabbi of Israel.
During a spontaneous meal of thanksgiving that night in his home, Rabbi Lau revealed that despite all the tension of the election campaign, he had never doubted that he would merit the esteemed position. As he stated in numerous interviews, he believes in the prophetic words of the Rebbe, which have proven to be true time and again.
From Miracles and Wonders, Vol. 2.
fredag 20 maj 2016
Ruotsalainen kuin ihmisen mieli!
Kun olin Rooman matkalla 2006, turistikylä jossa asuimme hehkuvalla helteellä, oli muodostettu karavaanitaloista- joita voitiin siirtää tarvittaessa varamaan pyörillä. Niissä oli tilava huone, suihkutila ja WC, ja mahdollisuus tehdä ruokaa. Tuuletus oli mahtava- vaikka auringossa paahtoi yli 40 astetta, sisällä sai miellyttävän viileyden, kuin talven viimaisen ilman- jota miltei kuin joi hengittämällä keuhkoihinsa siinä helteessä. Talon edessä oli pöytä ja tuolia, joten aamupalat saattoi kattaa ihanassa Rooman varjottomassa auringossa. . Tämä turistikylä oli nimeltään muistaakseni Sun Set Hill ja sijaitsi länteen Rooman kaupungin kukkuloista. Kun tuli bussilta ylämäkeä kukkulalle, tien varrella oli viikunapuita vihreine raakileineen.
Kun Ruotsiin - ja keikan saarille tuli tuo maahanmuuttajien asuttamisongelma, ajattelin sellaista ihanaa karavaanikylää. Sellaisia taloja voi siirtää kohtuullisen kätevästi ja kylän voi rakentaa katuineen ja postinumeroineen hyvin käytännölliseksi, pääkatu ja sivukadut- autojen parkkipaikat.
Meitä oli kolme turistia matkalla ja tila oli meille sopiva.
Karlssonin talon tilavuus on hieman suurempi kuin ne turistikaravaanit, joissa olimme. Ne eivät varmaan olleet yli 20 neliötä.
Minusta B Karsslonin ajatus on aivan mahtava!
On harvinaista, että on ihmisiä, jotka voivat toteuttaa asioita, mitä jotkuvat vain unelmoivat. Kyseessähän on absoluuttinen mannermainen hätätilanne eikä ihmisten integriteetistä ja ihmisoikeuksista tulisi tinkiä. Kyllä asiasta jossain vaiheessa ajanvirtaa ja historiaa tulee omat siunauksensakin niille, jotka "auttavat miestä mäessä eikä mäen alla".
Kun olin Rooman matkalla 2006, turistikylä jossa asuimme hehkuvalla helteellä, oli muodostettu karavaanitaloista- joita voitiin siirtää tarvittaessa varamaan pyörillä. Niissä oli tilava huone, suihkutila ja WC, ja mahdollisuus tehdä ruokaa. Tuuletus oli mahtava- vaikka auringossa paahtoi yli 40 astetta, sisällä sai miellyttävän viileyden, kuin talven viimaisen ilman- jota miltei kuin joi hengittämällä keuhkoihinsa siinä helteessä. Talon edessä oli pöytä ja tuolia, joten aamupalat saattoi kattaa ihanassa Rooman varjottomassa auringossa. . Tämä turistikylä oli nimeltään muistaakseni Sun Set Hill ja sijaitsi länteen Rooman kaupungin kukkuloista. Kun tuli bussilta ylämäkeä kukkulalle, tien varrella oli viikunapuita vihreine raakileineen.
Kun Ruotsiin - ja keikan saarille tuli tuo maahanmuuttajien asuttamisongelma, ajattelin sellaista ihanaa karavaanikylää. Sellaisia taloja voi siirtää kohtuullisen kätevästi ja kylän voi rakentaa katuineen ja postinumeroineen hyvin käytännölliseksi, pääkatu ja sivukadut- autojen parkkipaikat.
Meitä oli kolme turistia matkalla ja tila oli meille sopiva.
Karlssonin talon tilavuus on hieman suurempi kuin ne turistikaravaanit, joissa olimme. Ne eivät varmaan olleet yli 20 neliötä.
Minusta B Karsslonin ajatus on aivan mahtava!
On harvinaista, että on ihmisiä, jotka voivat toteuttaa asioita, mitä jotkuvat vain unelmoivat. Kyseessähän on absoluuttinen mannermainen hätätilanne eikä ihmisten integriteetistä ja ihmisoikeuksista tulisi tinkiä. Kyllä asiasta jossain vaiheessa ajanvirtaa ja historiaa tulee omat siunauksensakin niille, jotka "auttavat miestä mäessä eikä mäen alla".
torsdag 19 maj 2016
söndag 15 maj 2016
Lembergin kaupunki - Nyky Ukrainassa
Kaupunki kuului Puolaan
vuosina 1340-1772 sekä uudelleen Puolan itsenäistyttyä vuosina
1919-1939 (muodollisesti vuoteen 1945). Vuosina 1772-1919 se kuului
Itävalta-Unkarin keisarikuntaan nimellä Lemberg. Lvivissä julistettiin
vuonna 1918 Itävalta-Unkarista itsenäinen Länsi-Ukrainan kansantasavalta, joka joutui Puolan–Neuvosto-Venäjän sodassa 1919 puolalaisten miehittämäksi. Pitääkseen kiinni ukrainalaisuudestaan Länsi-Ukraina sulautui Ukrainan kansantasavaltaan, mutta sodan jatkuessa 1920 alue joutui bolsevistisen Venäjän haltuun puna-armeijan edetessä Puolaan Varsovan edustalle saakka. Riian rauhassa Venäjän ja Puolan kesken 1921 kuitenkin sovittiin, että Lviv ympäristöineen tuli kuulumaan Puolaan.
Vuoden 1931 väestönlaskennan mukaan kaupungin 312 231 asukkaasta oli
roomalaiskatolilaisia (eli käytännössä puolalaisia) 50,44 %,
juutalaisia 31,9 % ja
kreikkalaiskatolilaisia (ns. uniaatteja eli käytännössä ukrainalaisia) 15,9 %.
Lviv oli maailmansotien välisenä aikana tärkeä puolalaisen ja juutalaisen kulttuurin keskus.
Natsi-Saksan Puolaan 1939 tekemän hyökkäyksen jälkeen Neuvostoliitto hyökkäsi Itä-Puolaan, minkä seurauksena Lviv joutui neuvostomiehityksen alle. Tuhansia kaupunkilaisia - lähinnä puolalaista ja juutalaista sivistyneistöä - surmattiin ja pakkosiirrettiin Neuvostoliiton itäosiin.
Natsi-Saksan hyökättyä Neuvostoliittoon ja sen miehittämille alueille 1941 Lviv tuli kuulumaan saksalaisten miehityshallintoa edustaneen Puolan kenraalikuvernementin Galitsian piiriin.
Natsit murhasivat miehitysaikanaan Lvivin lähes koko juutalaisväestön, arviolta 100 000 ihmistä eli vajaan kolmanneksen kaupungin asukkaista.
Vuonna 1944 Lvivin valtasivat jälleen neuvostojoukot.
Muodollisesti Puola joutui luovuttamaan Itä-Galitsian alueen myötä Lvivin Neuvostoliitolle 1945 ja edelleen Ukrainan neuvostotasavaltaan. Kaupunkiin jääneet puolalaiset (noin 100 000–140 000 ihmistä) siirrettiin nyky-Puolan alueelle.
Vuoden 1931 väestönlaskennan mukaan kaupungin 312 231 asukkaasta oli
roomalaiskatolilaisia (eli käytännössä puolalaisia) 50,44 %,
juutalaisia 31,9 % ja
kreikkalaiskatolilaisia (ns. uniaatteja eli käytännössä ukrainalaisia) 15,9 %.
Lviv oli maailmansotien välisenä aikana tärkeä puolalaisen ja juutalaisen kulttuurin keskus.
Natsi-Saksan Puolaan 1939 tekemän hyökkäyksen jälkeen Neuvostoliitto hyökkäsi Itä-Puolaan, minkä seurauksena Lviv joutui neuvostomiehityksen alle. Tuhansia kaupunkilaisia - lähinnä puolalaista ja juutalaista sivistyneistöä - surmattiin ja pakkosiirrettiin Neuvostoliiton itäosiin.
Natsi-Saksan hyökättyä Neuvostoliittoon ja sen miehittämille alueille 1941 Lviv tuli kuulumaan saksalaisten miehityshallintoa edustaneen Puolan kenraalikuvernementin Galitsian piiriin.
Natsit murhasivat miehitysaikanaan Lvivin lähes koko juutalaisväestön, arviolta 100 000 ihmistä eli vajaan kolmanneksen kaupungin asukkaista.
Vuonna 1944 Lvivin valtasivat jälleen neuvostojoukot.
Muodollisesti Puola joutui luovuttamaan Itä-Galitsian alueen myötä Lvivin Neuvostoliitolle 1945 ja edelleen Ukrainan neuvostotasavaltaan. Kaupunkiin jääneet puolalaiset (noin 100 000–140 000 ihmistä) siirrettiin nyky-Puolan alueelle.
fredag 13 maj 2016
Aikamme Israelin kenraali
Aluf Yair Golan (Hebrew: יאיר גולן) is a general in the Israel Defense Forces and currently the Deputy Chief of General Staff.
Aluf Yair Golan (Hebrew: יאיר גולן) is a general in the Israel Defense Forces and currently the Deputy Chief of General Staff.
Born | 1962 Rishon LeZion, Israel |
Allegiance | ![]() |
Years of service | 1980– |
Rank | Aluf |
Commands held | Israeli Northern Command |
Battles/wars |
Timeline of career[1]
- 1980: enlisted in the Paratroopers Brigade (IDF)
- 1980s-90s: company commander, commander of 'Orev' company, deputy battalion commander, Operations Branch officer, and commander of brigade 890
- 1993: battalion commander in IDF Officers' School
- 1994: Judea and Samaria Division Division Division's Operations Branch Officer
- 1996–1997: commander of Eastern Division of Lebanon Liaison Unit
- 1998–2000: head of Operations Directorate
- 2000–2002: commander of Nahal infantry brigade
- 2003–2007: commander of Judea and Samaria Division Division
- 2008–2011: commander of Home Front Command
- July 2011–November 2014: head of Israeli Northern Command[1]
- Since December 2014: the Deputy Chief of General Staff
"Major General Yair Golan, GOC Homefront Command". Israel Defense Forces. Retrieved 2008-12-28.onsdag 11 maj 2016
Daniel Pearl, Z"L
By Massoud Ansari in Karachi
12:01AM BST 09 May 2004
Horrifying new details of how
Daniel Pearl, the murdered Wall Street Journal reporter, met his death
have emerged from the interrogation of new suspects by Pakistani police.
who was kidnapped in Karachi in January 2002, knew for several hours
that he was about to be killed, but resisted repeated attempts to sedate
him, police now believe.
was fully aware of what was happening when the Arab extremists who took
control during his final days cut his throat, according to information
gleaned from Pakistani militants now in police custody.
video film of Pearl's murder, seen around the world via the internet,
was in fact a partial reconstruction of what had happened a few moments
earlier, officers have been told.
camera operator made a mistake and missed the moment of his death,
which his murderers then re-enacted, before decapitating the reporter.
Related Articles
Pearl parents: talking with strangers
21 Jul 2002 -
Pearl 'tried to escape'
19 Aug 2002
The revelations have fuelled anger among police
investigators that at least a dozen leading suspects in the kidnap and
murder of the 38-year-old journalist have been arrested, but have not
been charged or tried in connection with his death.
Some have been accused of unrelated - and mostly lesser - offences. The three most recently captured suspects have not yet been charged, and their arrests have never been officially announced.
The only cases brought so far in connection with Pearl's death have been those against Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the British-born al-Qaeda terrorist, who was convicted of kidnap and conspiracy to murder the American journalist, and three others who played relatively minor roles in the kidnapping.
All were given life sentences for conspiracy to kidnap, but are now appealing against their convictions in the country's high court. Pakistani authorities are said to be reluctant to put the new suspects on trial lest their evidence helps the first four win their appeals.
A legal official said: "No matter what Sheikh is guilty of, if the police were forced to change their account of what happened because of newfound evidence, he might be given the benefit of the doubt on everything else, and be set free immediately."
Omar Sheikh, the mastermind of the kidnapping, set the trap which lured Pearl to his captors. He put the reporter in touch with a man who, he pretended, would introduce him to an extremist Muslim leader whom Pearl wished to interview.
Contrary to evidence given during Omar Sheikh's trial, police now believe he may not have been present when Pearl met Sajid Jabbar, the go-between, at a Karachi restaurant. It was after the meeting that Pearl disappeared.
Investigators say that senior officials in the Sindh police - the force responsible for Karachi - are "petrified" that if militants arrested in the past year were tried for their part in Pearl's murder, their earlier case against Omar Sheikh might unravel in the courts.
One official close to the investigation said: "Even if these men have admitted their roles in the kidnapping and killing of Daniel Pearl, we simply cannot charge them because of its impact on that earlier case."
Police have pieced together new details of how Pearl was held in captivity for two weeks, and eventually killed, from those involved - including two who witnessed his final hours.
Many of the details were unknown even to Mariane Pearl, the reporter's widow, who wrote a moving memoir about his death, A Mighty Heart.
They now believe that Pearl was not forcibly abducted from the restaurant, but at first went willingly with Sajid in his car, while four other militants followed. He was driven to the house on the outskirts of Karachi where he was to be held and killed.
There, four others who would guard Pearl dragged him inside at gun-point, tying his hands and blindfolding him. "Even at this point, Pearl didn't realise that he was already in trouble, and kept asking why they were behaving like this," one of those in custody told police.
He was held for two weeks before he was killed but made at least one escape attempt - according to the arrested men, just three days before he was murdered.
"He tried to scale the wall but couldn't do it because both his hands were tied," one told police. His captors said that Pearl had difficulty sleeping.
They brought him English-language newspapers and magazines to help him pass the time and let him exercise inside the room.
His efforts to converse with his captors were limited since they could speak only broken English. However, one said: "He made clear that he was a Jew and his wife a Buddhist. He used to imitate the way she prayed, and sing hymns and songs whenever he thought about her."
Eventually, Saud Memon, who is believed to be al-Qaeda's chief financier in Pakistan and owned the house where Pearl was held, contacted a group of Arab extremists who took over custody and decided he would be killed.
Armed with a video camera, three Arabs arrived, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, third-in-command of al-Qaeda - since handed over to the Americans.
For the first time, police have now identified the others as Abdul Rahman and Nasrullah - both Kuwaiti nationals fluent in Arabic, Balochi and Persian. Authorities are still searching for them.
On the day Pearl died, two of his Pakistani guards were present: Ali Khan, arrested just two weeks ago, and Fazal Karim, an employee of Saud Memon. One recently told interrogators how the Arabs tried to sedate Pearl, first by injection, then by doctoring his tea.
"I think he understood that he was going to be killed and refused to accept tea or to gulp pills. He even did not allow himself to be injected."
Before he was murdered, they forced him to relate his Jewish background and express sympathy with detainees in Guantanamo Bay before putting the knife to his throat once - and then again, a second time, owing to the faulty camera.
One of those present told police: "When they were slaughtering him in front of me I thought it was a bad dream. I had seen the cutting of a goat or chicken many times, but had never seen a human being slaughtered in front me."
Karim is among those who have been arrested and jailed for other crimes: narcotics smuggling, in his case. Investigators fear that Khan will also escape prosecution for his part in Pearl's capture and death.
Five others who took part in Pearl's capture or guarded him are behind bars for their part in unrelated sectarian killings, and Pakistani authorities have no plans to press charges related to Pearl. Authorities have yet to reveal publicly that they are holding three of the suspects: Khan, Naeem Bokhari and Faisal Bhatti.
Last night members of Pearl's family said they wanted all those involved in the journalist's death brought to book, and urged Pakistani authorities to hasten the hearing of Omar Sheikh's appeal.
In a statement to The Sunday Telegraph, Mariane Pearl and her parents-in-law, Ruth and Judea Pearl, said: "We are eager to see justice served and the truth come out. We are especially waiting to see a just conclusion of Omar Saeed Sheikh's conviction and the apprehension of all those involved."
Some have been accused of unrelated - and mostly lesser - offences. The three most recently captured suspects have not yet been charged, and their arrests have never been officially announced.
The only cases brought so far in connection with Pearl's death have been those against Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the British-born al-Qaeda terrorist, who was convicted of kidnap and conspiracy to murder the American journalist, and three others who played relatively minor roles in the kidnapping.
All were given life sentences for conspiracy to kidnap, but are now appealing against their convictions in the country's high court. Pakistani authorities are said to be reluctant to put the new suspects on trial lest their evidence helps the first four win their appeals.
A legal official said: "No matter what Sheikh is guilty of, if the police were forced to change their account of what happened because of newfound evidence, he might be given the benefit of the doubt on everything else, and be set free immediately."
Omar Sheikh, the mastermind of the kidnapping, set the trap which lured Pearl to his captors. He put the reporter in touch with a man who, he pretended, would introduce him to an extremist Muslim leader whom Pearl wished to interview.
Contrary to evidence given during Omar Sheikh's trial, police now believe he may not have been present when Pearl met Sajid Jabbar, the go-between, at a Karachi restaurant. It was after the meeting that Pearl disappeared.
Investigators say that senior officials in the Sindh police - the force responsible for Karachi - are "petrified" that if militants arrested in the past year were tried for their part in Pearl's murder, their earlier case against Omar Sheikh might unravel in the courts.
One official close to the investigation said: "Even if these men have admitted their roles in the kidnapping and killing of Daniel Pearl, we simply cannot charge them because of its impact on that earlier case."
Police have pieced together new details of how Pearl was held in captivity for two weeks, and eventually killed, from those involved - including two who witnessed his final hours.
Many of the details were unknown even to Mariane Pearl, the reporter's widow, who wrote a moving memoir about his death, A Mighty Heart.
They now believe that Pearl was not forcibly abducted from the restaurant, but at first went willingly with Sajid in his car, while four other militants followed. He was driven to the house on the outskirts of Karachi where he was to be held and killed.
There, four others who would guard Pearl dragged him inside at gun-point, tying his hands and blindfolding him. "Even at this point, Pearl didn't realise that he was already in trouble, and kept asking why they were behaving like this," one of those in custody told police.
He was held for two weeks before he was killed but made at least one escape attempt - according to the arrested men, just three days before he was murdered.
"He tried to scale the wall but couldn't do it because both his hands were tied," one told police. His captors said that Pearl had difficulty sleeping.
They brought him English-language newspapers and magazines to help him pass the time and let him exercise inside the room.
His efforts to converse with his captors were limited since they could speak only broken English. However, one said: "He made clear that he was a Jew and his wife a Buddhist. He used to imitate the way she prayed, and sing hymns and songs whenever he thought about her."
Eventually, Saud Memon, who is believed to be al-Qaeda's chief financier in Pakistan and owned the house where Pearl was held, contacted a group of Arab extremists who took over custody and decided he would be killed.
Armed with a video camera, three Arabs arrived, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, third-in-command of al-Qaeda - since handed over to the Americans.
For the first time, police have now identified the others as Abdul Rahman and Nasrullah - both Kuwaiti nationals fluent in Arabic, Balochi and Persian. Authorities are still searching for them.
On the day Pearl died, two of his Pakistani guards were present: Ali Khan, arrested just two weeks ago, and Fazal Karim, an employee of Saud Memon. One recently told interrogators how the Arabs tried to sedate Pearl, first by injection, then by doctoring his tea.
"I think he understood that he was going to be killed and refused to accept tea or to gulp pills. He even did not allow himself to be injected."
Before he was murdered, they forced him to relate his Jewish background and express sympathy with detainees in Guantanamo Bay before putting the knife to his throat once - and then again, a second time, owing to the faulty camera.
One of those present told police: "When they were slaughtering him in front of me I thought it was a bad dream. I had seen the cutting of a goat or chicken many times, but had never seen a human being slaughtered in front me."
Karim is among those who have been arrested and jailed for other crimes: narcotics smuggling, in his case. Investigators fear that Khan will also escape prosecution for his part in Pearl's capture and death.
Five others who took part in Pearl's capture or guarded him are behind bars for their part in unrelated sectarian killings, and Pakistani authorities have no plans to press charges related to Pearl. Authorities have yet to reveal publicly that they are holding three of the suspects: Khan, Naeem Bokhari and Faisal Bhatti.
Last night members of Pearl's family said they wanted all those involved in the journalist's death brought to book, and urged Pakistani authorities to hasten the hearing of Omar Sheikh's appeal.
In a statement to The Sunday Telegraph, Mariane Pearl and her parents-in-law, Ruth and Judea Pearl, said: "We are eager to see justice served and the truth come out. We are especially waiting to see a just conclusion of Omar Saeed Sheikh's conviction and the apprehension of all those involved."
Moshe Ya´ish Naharin (Z"L) perheen Alijah Jemenistä
“My eight siblings and I were born and raised in the Jewish tradition in the city of Raydah in Yemen. My father was dedicated to his family and his community and taught us to treat others with kindness and to love the Torah. One bright day, he went out to shop for Shabbat and never returned,” said Nahari's sixteen-year-old daughter, who shared the story of her father's murder in Yemen in 2008, when she was only nine years old.
“A stranger accosted my father and demanded that he convert to Islam and abandon his Jewish faith. My father refused and responded in his characteristically gentle way, ‘I will remain a Jew and you will remain a Muslim.’ The man pulled out a gun and shot my father several times. Our family as I knew it no longer existed. Our lives were shattered and full of fear. The murderer’s family threatened us, and hatred of Jews increased. In 2009, three of my siblings and I fled to Israel with the assistance of The Jewish Agency, and in 2012 we were reunited with our mother and smallest siblings, who also made Aliyah,” she said.
"The entire Nahari family made Aliyah after their father’s murder and was successfully integrated into Israeli society. The final 19 Jews of Raydah made Aliyah this year, along with some 30,000 Jews from around the world and 60,000 Jewish young people who have participated in Israel experience programs. We will continue to strengthen the connection between Jews and Israel around the world in order to ensure that the final words of Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl and Jewish teacher Moshe Ya’ish Nahari - ‘we are Jews and we will remain Jews’ - live on.”
“My eight siblings and I were born and raised in the Jewish tradition in the city of Raydah in Yemen. My father was dedicated to his family and his community and taught us to treat others with kindness and to love the Torah. One bright day, he went out to shop for Shabbat and never returned,” said Nahari's sixteen-year-old daughter, who shared the story of her father's murder in Yemen in 2008, when she was only nine years old.
“A stranger accosted my father and demanded that he convert to Islam and abandon his Jewish faith. My father refused and responded in his characteristically gentle way, ‘I will remain a Jew and you will remain a Muslim.’ The man pulled out a gun and shot my father several times. Our family as I knew it no longer existed. Our lives were shattered and full of fear. The murderer’s family threatened us, and hatred of Jews increased. In 2009, three of my siblings and I fled to Israel with the assistance of The Jewish Agency, and in 2012 we were reunited with our mother and smallest siblings, who also made Aliyah,” she said.
"The entire Nahari family made Aliyah after their father’s murder and was successfully integrated into Israeli society. The final 19 Jews of Raydah made Aliyah this year, along with some 30,000 Jews from around the world and 60,000 Jewish young people who have participated in Israel experience programs. We will continue to strengthen the connection between Jews and Israel around the world in order to ensure that the final words of Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl and Jewish teacher Moshe Ya’ish Nahari - ‘we are Jews and we will remain Jews’ - live on.”
Aron Shaul, Israelian Soldier
The killed soldiers :
Shon Mondschein, Shachar Taseh, Daniel Pomeranz, Ben Vanunu, Oron Noah, Max Steinberg.
Rescued: Nisan and Oohad According Wallah 11.5. 2016.
Hamas television celebrated the purported kidnapping with a victory mocking the grief of Shaul's family and celebrating the alleged hostage-taking in song: "We've taken a second Shalit, a young, blond-haired boy."[14][15][16]
There was coverage of the request for Hamas to return the bodies of Shaul and another missing soldier, Hadar Goldin in Israeli and international media through the late summer and early fall of 2014.[21][22][23][24]
The question of whether Israel should release convicted Palestinian terrorists in exchange for Hamas' agreement to releast the bodies of the 2 dead soldiers ignighted a heated political debate within Israel.[25][26] Apparently referring to the 2 bodies, Hamas official Mushir al-Masri boasted that "Hamas has bargaining chips that forced Israel to succumb to Palestinian demands. The indirect negotiations mediated by the Egyptians may in the future lead to a new prisoner swap deal in which many Palestinian prisoners are freed." on his Facebook page.[27]
Ongoing negotiations for the exchange of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel for the bodies of the 2 MIAs have been the focus of international press coverage.[28][29][30][31]
Death and ransoming of Oron Shaul
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oron Shaul (Oren Shaul) was an Israeli soldier killed in a high-profile incident during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict,
whose death first drew international attention when Hamas announced
that he had been taken prisoner, and drew international attention again
when Hamas demanded a high price (prisoner releases) to return the body to the soldier's family.
Further information: Battle of Shuja'iyya
During the fighting in July, 2014, Hamas exploded an anti-tank mine
underneath an armored personnel carrier, APC, (nagmash) killing 6 soldiers,and one disappeared:
Oren Shaul. [1]
Hamas rapidly claimed to have captured an IDF soldier named Aron Shaul,
backing up its claim with the soldier's "photo ID and credentials".[2][3][4] The IDF later confirmed that the body of Oron Shaul had not been identified among the dead found inside the vehicle.[5][6][7][8]The killed soldiers :
Shon Mondschein, Shachar Taseh, Daniel Pomeranz, Ben Vanunu, Oron Noah, Max Steinberg.
Rescued: Nisan and Oohad According Wallah 11.5. 2016.
Possible captive
Shaul's fate was the focus of great concern during the short period when it was feared that he had been taken captive, because, according to the Associated Press, "In the past, Israel has paid a heavy price in lopsided prisoner swaps to retrieve captured soldiers or remains held by its enemies."[9] According to the New York Times, "Hamas has recognized the pull such incidents have over the Israeli psyche and clearly has moved to grab hostages.[10]Palestinian celebration of capture
The claim that an Israeli soldier had been captured, "touched off celebrations among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, according to The Independent, which ran photos of Palestinians cheering in the streets of Ramallah.[11][12] According to the New York Times, "Celebrations immediately broke out in Gaza and the West Bank."[13]Hamas television celebrated the purported kidnapping with a victory mocking the grief of Shaul's family and celebrating the alleged hostage-taking in song: "We've taken a second Shalit, a young, blond-haired boy."[14][15][16]
Israel questions claim
By 22 July, spokesmen for Israel questioned the claim of capture. [17]Confirmation of Death
By July 25 Israel confirmed that Shaul was dead.[18]Ransom demands for soldier's body
On August 11 Israeli Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya'alon visited the Shaul family to inform them that the government was making every effort to retrieve their son's body from Hamas.[19][20]There was coverage of the request for Hamas to return the bodies of Shaul and another missing soldier, Hadar Goldin in Israeli and international media through the late summer and early fall of 2014.[21][22][23][24]
The question of whether Israel should release convicted Palestinian terrorists in exchange for Hamas' agreement to releast the bodies of the 2 dead soldiers ignighted a heated political debate within Israel.[25][26] Apparently referring to the 2 bodies, Hamas official Mushir al-Masri boasted that "Hamas has bargaining chips that forced Israel to succumb to Palestinian demands. The indirect negotiations mediated by the Egyptians may in the future lead to a new prisoner swap deal in which many Palestinian prisoners are freed." on his Facebook page.[27]
Ongoing negotiations for the exchange of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel for the bodies of the 2 MIAs have been the focus of international press coverage.[28][29][30][31]
- Harel, Amos (20 July 2014). "Soldiers killed in Gaza were deployed in 50-year-old APC". Haaretz. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Plesser, Ben (22 July 2014). "Israel Hunts Remains of Missing Soldier Sgt. Oron Shaul". NBC. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Lynfield, Ben (22 July 2014). "Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli military names soldier Oron Shaul confirmed as ‘missing’ after Hamas celebrates alleged kidnap". The Independent. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- 'Hamas says it has captured Israeli soldier in Gaza ,'Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2014.
- Harriet Sherwood, Israel hits hundreds of targets in Gaza as soldier is confirmed missing,' The Guardian 20 July 2014.
- "Israel says soldier missing, presumed dead; Kerry presses for truce". Reuters.
- Ginsberg, Mitch (22 July 2014). "Golani soldier Oron Shaul caught in Gaza ambush is MIA". Times of Israel. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Raghavan, Sudarsan (22 July 2014). "Missing Israeli soldier, canceled flights could shift dynamic of Gaza conflict". Washington Post. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Goldenberg, TIA (22 July 2014). "Missing soldier feared to be Hamas prisoner — a nightmare scenario for Israel amid international push for truce". National Post. AP. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Rudoren, Jodi (22 July 2014). "A Blast, a Fire and an Israeli Soldier Goes Missing". New York Times. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Lynfield, Ben (22 July 2014). "Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli military names soldier Oron Shaul confirmed as ‘missing’ after Hamas celebrates alleged kidnap". The Independent. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Plesser, Ben (22 July 2014). "Israel Hunts Remains of Missing Soldier Sgt. Oron Shaul". NBC. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Rudoren, Jodi (22 July 2014). "A Blast, a Fire and an Israeli Soldier Goes Missing". New York Times. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- PalWatch (23 July 2014). "Hamas song mocks Israeli MIA Oron Shaul". Palestinian Media Watch. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Unruh, Bob (23 July 2014). "Terrorists' song celebrates soldier's 'kidnapping' Tells Netanyahu: 'You retard, you will accept [our] terms'". WND. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Levitt, Matthew (15 October 2014). "Hamas is going through a rough patch, so what is it singing about?". The Hill. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Lynfield, Ben (22 July 2014). "Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli military names soldier Oron Shaul confirmed as ‘missing’ after Hamas celebrates alleged kidnap". The Independent. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Cohen, Gili (25 July 2014). "IDF determines Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul, previously considered missing, is dead". Haaretz. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Raved, Yahiya (11 August 2014). "Ya'alon tells family: Oron Shaul's body is in Hamas' hands". YnetNews. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
- Ben Porat, Ido (11 August 2014). "Ya'alon Vows to Recover Body of Oron Shaul". Arutz Sheva. Israel National News. Retrieved 15 October 2014.
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tisdag 10 maj 2016
Kaatuneitten sotilaitten ja terroriuhrien muistopäivä.68. Itsenäisyyspäivän alku
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is observing Memorial Day for its Fallen Soldiers and Terror
Victims.A one-minute siren sounded at 8 oclock this evening a 1-minute
siren soundedl
Ceremonies are taking place tonight and tomorrow , including the central ceremony of the lighting of the memorial candle at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, with the participation of President Reuven Rivlin. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "We will not give up our hope to achieve peace with our enemies- But first we will achieve peace with ourselves" during a speech in Jerusalem on Tuesday memorializing fallen soldiers. The ceremony was attended by Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. Memorial Day events will conclude on Wednesday evening with a candle-lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl and will kick off the 68th Israeli Independence Day festivities Aruz7 uutisista: Israel will remember its 23,447 casualties of war and terrorism on Tuesday evening as the Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism begins with a minute-long siren at 8 p.m. The Defense Ministry said there were 68 casualties in the past year, and 58 disabled IDF veterans died of their wounds. According to the Defense Ministry, there are 16,307 bereaved relatives in Israel today, including 9,442 families, 4,917 war widows and 1,948 orphans up to 30 years of age. | Iba uutisista |
måndag 9 maj 2016
lördag 7 maj 2016
onsdag 4 maj 2016
tisdag 3 maj 2016
Ophir Gross Z"L
Hungarian police arrest 2 suspects in murder of Israeli hiker | |||
In Hungary, police have arrested two people, aged 19 and 21, who are suspected of involvement in the murder of the Israeli hiker whose body was found in a forest over the weekend. The hiker's identity has been confirmed: Ophir Gross, aged 40. Gross, a student of medical engineering in Germany, was traveling in southern Hungary. Family members who flew to Hungary to positively identify the body. | |||
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