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torsdag 25 februari 2016

Persian huumetta terrorin tukemiseen

25.2. 2016, klo 6 uutiset IBA.org. il,  Aruz7

The Foreign Ministry has declared that "Israel condemns the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon's announcement that his country will financially support Palestinian terrorists and their families."
The official statement explained, "This is additional proof of Iran's deep involvement in supporting terror against Israel. After the agreement with the world powers, Iran is allowing itself to continue being a central player in international terror."
The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mohammad Fateh Ali, recently announced that his country would pay $7,000 to the family of any terrorist killed in the recent wave of terror, and an additional $30,000 to any family whose house was destroyed in response. Fateh Ali made his statement during a press conference in Beirut and further called on Lebanon too join the fight against Israel, promising: "the martyrs' blood will release the entire Palestine, from the river to the sea"

Also today, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) accused the Islamic Republic of embedding "sleeper cells" in the US and Europe. He warned that these cells are gathering weapons and intelligence, and recruiting new members to carry out terror attacks.
"The Iranian regime through the Iranian Revolutionary Guard corps is building a complex terror infrastructure including sleeping cells that are stockpiling arms, intelligence and operatives and are ready to act on order including in Europe and America," Ya'alon said during an official visit to Cyprus.
Last summer a Cypriot court convicted a Lebanese-Canadian man of planning to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets in Cyprus. The man belonged to the terror group Hebzollah, which Iran supports.

tisdag 23 februari 2016

Puurim Katan 24 Adar I 5756

Published: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 7:59 AM

Q. Why do we have two months called Adar?

A. An ordinary year has only one Adar. In a leap year there are two – Adar Rishon (Adar I) and Adar Sheni (Adar II).

Leap years, seven times in every 19 years, ensure that the Jewish lunar calendar is able to tally with the solar calendar.

Since there is normally a discrepancy of about 11 days between them, without leap years the 11 days would mount up, so that Pesach, for example, would move from one season to another, whereas the Torah requires (Ex. 13:4, 23:15, 34:18; Deut. 16:1) that it be a spring ("aviv") festival (in the southern hemisphere it is in the autumn). The additional month re-connects the two types of years.

All this comes at the end of the list of months, so that whereas an ordinary year ends with one Adar, a leap year ends with two.

This creates a further question – since Purim is in Adar, in which Adar does it fall in a leap year?

The answer is Adar II, which is closer to Nisan, the month of Pesach, than Adar I. Why Purim and Pesach should be so close is because both are festivals of redemption, the one concerned with the redemption of the Jews of Persia and the other the whole of the Israelite people.

What do we do on 14 Adar I, which might feel slighted to be superseded in favour of 14 Adar II? We call it Purim Katan (“the little Purim”) and we have a modest celebration by leaving out the supplicatory prayers that day and, according to the Rema (Orach Chayyim 697), we should also have some sort of festive meal.


Q. Why do many hassidic groups isolate themselves from the modern world?

A. The hassidic world lost over 90% of its members in the Holocaust, and today’s hassidic groups are adamant that hassidism will not only survive but thrive.

They have their enclaves in most major locations, and they have large families and strict standards which have allowed such an orthodox expansion in recent decades that not only is their survival assured but they have had an influence throughout the Jewish world.

Most hassidic groups keep away from modern phenomena like cinema, television, radio and even unrestricted cell phones. They see such things as a waste of time, a distraction, and a danger to fundamental Jewish ideas and commitments.


Q. I am surprised that the beautiful Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my Shepherd”) is not part of our daily prayers. Surely it should have been included?

A. Though not statutorily required, Psalm 23 is often said, for obvious reasons, on occasions of sickness or bereavement.

It is also often sung on Shabbat at Se’udah Sh’lishit, the third meal, which is usually eaten late on Shabbat afternoon. At this moment Shabbat is ebbing away and the psalm offers a comforting assurance of Divine protection, even when we leave the serenity of Shabbat and turn back to the stresses and strains of the workday week.

The traditional translation of the psalm is deservedly famous, but not entirely accurate. The phrase “tzalmavet”, for instance, probably does not mean “the shadow of death” but “dark gloom” – not that this changes the meaning long associated with the word; the late Rabbi Israel Porush said that its message was, “Even when I find myself in the depth of darkness and despair I trust in God and am not afraid.”

This and other psalms are not only for the synagogue. In our own individual lives the Tehillim ought to be an invaluable companion. Life requires us to articulate both agony and ecstasy, and the Psalmist has the uncanny ability to assist us to frame the words.

This is what is behind a comment on the opening sentence of the sidra (Torah reading) of Shmot. The first five words are “V’eleh sh’mot b’nai Yisrael haba’im” – “And these are the names of the Children of Israel who came (to Egypt)”. The final letters of these Hebrew words make up the word Tehillim, Psalms, indicating that wherever one may be, Tehillim are a precious guide.

söndag 21 februari 2016

Tuvia Yanai Weissman Z"L 18.2. 2016

Yael Weissman, the widow of Tuvia Yanai Weissman who was murdered on Thursday in a terror attack by two 14-year-old Arab terrorists at the Rami Levy supermarket in Sha'ar Binyamin, spoke with Arutz Sheva about her ordeal.

Yael described her long relationship with her late husband, “He was my best friend since the ninth grade. We spend our youth together and grew up together. He always put others before him, he was generous through and through … right from the start, even from such a young age.”
She added that others viewed Yanai with the same kind image, saying, "I always knew I could trust him no matter what, even now I hear people say how they miss him, how he always knew the right words to say in every situation. Just his presence and the look in his eyes was enough to encourage everyone around him… he knew how to be silly and make others happy.”
Describing his love for Israel and his devotion to helping others, the bereaved widow noted that “The county was always so important to him, he always knew he was meant to work in security and to help others.”
Yael discussed her dedication to focus her energy on raising their four-month-old baby daughter, Neta. “Even though I am a widow, I am first and foremost a mother.”
“It is because of Neta that I have the strength to wake up in the morning and get out of bed and continue. If it wasn’t for her, I would not have the power like I do now,” said Yael.
“Yanai would not want this to break us,” said Yael in regards to the ongoing terror. “He always said that we will continue with our routine – if we go shopping, we go together. We go to town, we go together. We cannot lock ourselves in our homes, that’s not a life worth living.”
Yael emphasized that she is not authorized to discuss what the army does, but said that Yanai was very frustrated that he had to go on regular leave without his weapon.
“He told me he did not feel complete without a weapon every time he left the house. I think that if a soldier requests to take his weapon with him on leave he should at least be allowed to protect himself and others. After all, soldiers protect us.”
“Yanai was there to protect us, he defended us with himself, with his body,” concluded Yael.

The 21-year-old shopper who was murdered on Thursday in an Arab terror attack at the Rami Levy supermarket in Sha'ar Binyamin was identified by the IDF as Sergeant Tuvia Yanai Weissman.
Weissman was a combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade and lived in Ma'ale Mikhmas in the Binyamin region of Samaria, according to an IDF Spokesperson Unit statement on Thursday night.
He studied at a high school in Jerusalem and at a pre-military academy in Kfar Eldad in Judea. He enlisted in the Nahal Brigade and got married during his military service. Weissman leaves behind his wife Yael, a four-month-old daughter, his parents and three brothers.

Ron Arad, Z"L - Tietoa saatu lentoperämiehen kohtalosta


Lebanese man claims missing Israeli navigator Arad died after torture

מקור: IBA World
שלחו להדפסה - Print Print - שלחו להדפסה

lördag 20 februari 2016

tisdag 16 februari 2016

Viimeaikaiset terroriteot Israelissa

http://www.iba.org.il/world/?lang=en&entity=1144936&type=1Hide Details

måndag 15 februari 2016

EteläNegevissa kuormaautokolareita tie 232.

התאונה במערב הנגב: כביש 232 נחסם לשני הכיוונים

כביש 232 נחסם היום (שני) לתנועה לשני הכיוונים בין צומת גבולות לצומת עין הבשור שבצפון-מערב הנגב, עקב תאונת דרכים שאירעה במקום. מהמשטרה נמסר כי בתאונה מעורבות שלוש משאיות. שני בני אדם נפצעו באירוע, אחד באורח בינוני עד קשה ואחר באורח בינוני.

  • מבזקים אחרונים

    לכל המבזקים מבזקים אחרונים


    A truck and a bus collided in Ashdod on Monday, leaving some 20 passengers injured on the corner of Shavei Zion Street and Hertzl Street.

    Magen David Adom paramedics were treating the passengers, most of whom were injured lightly from broken glass.

    Emergency workers were transferring some of the injured passengers to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.

    The crash came a day after six people died in a collision between a bus and a flatbed truck west of Jerusalem on Highways 1.

    Latrun, Highway 1

    The Palestinians want Mini Israel.

    No, not the country inside the pre-1967 lines, but rather Mini Israel, the attraction located at Latrun where the country is replicated in miniature models and kids run around with ice cream bars.

    In recent days the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Negotiations Affairs Department, the one headed by Saeb Erekat, launched a campaign under the headline “The Latrun Valley – an Integral Part of the State of Palestine.”

    A document circulated by the negotiations department described the Latrun Valley as covering a 50-km. area close to the Green Line.

    “As a result of the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe),” the document read, “when two-thirds of the Palestinian population were forcibly exiled from their homes by Zionist militias prior to the creation of the State of Israel, almost half of the valley is now considered No Man’s Land (NML) an integral part of the Occupied State of Palestine.”

    The Latrun Valley, the document continued, “is well known for its rich water resources and fertile land.”

    According to the paper, Israel occupied the area during the Six Day War and “ethnically cleansed” three villages left standing after 1948, before completely wiping them off the map as well.

    The paper said that following the forced displacement of the Palestinian inhabitants, the Jewish National Fund, in cooperation with Canada, built Canada Park “over the site of the villages.”

    “Preventing Palestinians from making use of the Latrun area is part of Israel’s systematic attempt to turn the occupation of Palestinian land into annexation,” the document read.

    “The Latrun Valley holds enormous potential for Palestinians, including its fertile lands, water resources, archeological sites and religious shrines. It is a vital and integral part of the State of Palestine as defined by the 1967 border.”

    Israel annexed the Latrun salient, through which part of the main Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway runs, soon after the Six Day War.

    Erekat marked the anniversary of the war on Tuesday by taking journalists and diplomats to the site, saying “I just want to stand here and say, ‘It is 46 years later.”

    One Israeli official was stunned by the Palestinian campaign over Latrun, saying it was as if the Palestinians were moving the goal line backwards.

    Referring to US Secretary of State John Kerry’s push to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, the official said, “It’s almost as if every time we move forward, or every time there is a prospect of moving forward, the Palestinians bring up an issue which they know is a game breaker.”

    The Palestinian decision to make this an issue, the official continued, “raises concerns as to their seriousness.”

    He characterized as “very troubling” the Palestinian bid to bring this issue “out of deep freeze” now, and said it raised questions about “their attitude to the peace process.”

    All peace plans have always put Latrun inside Israel, the official said.

    “No Israeli government, no Israeli prime minister, can seriously entertain that this area would be going to the Palestinians.

    Instead of dealing with the very issues that Kerry is asking the sides to deal with, it appears the Palestinians are playing games and regressing to hard-line positions that should have been left behind years ago,” he said.

    söndag 14 februari 2016



    Indictment against Palestinian accused of murdering Dafna Meir in Otniel

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     OIKEUDENKÄYNNISTÄ   yllä oleva  tieto 22.2. 2016. Lähde. IBA.org.il . Murhaajapoika perustelee tappoimpulssejaan  palestiinalaisella  TV-ohjelmalla.

    Dafna, 38 vuotias kuuden lapsen äiti sai surmansa  38 vuotiaana Otnielin kylässä Israelissa , omassa kodissaan, jonne avoimista ovista tunkeutui palestiinalaisnuori puukko kädessä  murhatarkoituksessa. 

    OTNIEL on  Juudan sukukunnan alueella arkeloginen nimi asutukselle.
    Mooseksen ajan Kaaleb, Jefunnen poika  sai  ikuisen perintöosan  Hebronin seutuvilta Joosua 14:  6: 15. Nimi Otniel tulee  Kaalebin  veljen pojan nimestä . kaalebin tytär oli nimeltään Aksa, ja Otniel sai Aksan vaimokseen.  Tästä kertoo Joosua 15: 13-  19 Tämä luku  myös maintisee Juudan kaupungit ja kylät Joosuan ajalta. Näsitä on arkeologiaa myös osin jo saatu esiin muta pajon on veilä maakerroksissa.  

    Israel  rakentaessaan uusia asutuksia ottaa huomioon arkeologisia faktoja ja elvyttää  paikkauntien  ikivanhoja nimiä.

    • Palestinian Death culture:
     Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and elite Duvdevan unit members arrested a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager early Tuesday morning in his home in the Palestinian village of Beit Amra for the murder of mother-of-six Dafna Meir in nearby Otniel.

    A security source said, “He is being questioned. We will release further details as the investigation proceeds.”

    During the raid, Duvdevan unit members, accompanied by Shin Bet intelligence agents, moved in on the teenager’s home, arresting him in his bed and taking him into custody.

    The arrest came following intensive intelligence and operational activities by the Shin Bet and the IDF to track down the suspect.

    Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon visited Otniel and received a briefing from OC Central Command, Maj.-Gen.

    Roni Numa, and the commander of the Hebron Brigade, Col. Yariv Ben Ezra on the recent developments. The defense minister and IDF officers then paid a condolence visit at the Meir family home.

    Ya’alon paid tribute to Dafna Meir, a woman whose remarkable and multiple accomplishments became known to the Israeli people came in recent days, he said.

    “Who can find a virtuous woman?” he asked, quoting the Book of Proverbs. “The great loss is even more prominent in light of the cruelty of the 15-year-old murderer, who grew up in an environment that taught him from the time he was a baby to hate and to sanctify death. This is the 15-year-old youth, and a youth carried out an attempted murder in Tekoa, too. Of course, this is the result of education in the Palestinian Authority. Institutionalized education, that begins in infancy, passes through kindergartens and schools – and this is the result.”

    Ya’alon praised the work of the IDF and the Shin Bet in capturing the terrorist.
    “There is a wave of terrorism.
    We will know how to defeat it, I have no doubt.
    It requires determination, awareness, but eventually we will defeat this wave of terrorism, also,” he said.

    • 5. päivä Ensimmäistä Adar kuuta  5776. Kuukausi  on kohta kulunut  Otnielin  suuren surun päivästä 17.1. 2016 ( 7. päivä Shewat kuuta  5776) . 
    Palasin tänään kirkosta
    varjoni mukana.
    Varjo edellä liukuva
    kirkkaalla hangella  
    Hanki oli kuin Talith
    kuin Otnielin kylä
    Dafnan muistojen.
    Äidin sylin mitta
    kämmenen leveys
    kuin yksi äidin sydän,
    hankeen peittynyt.
    Dafnaäiti puhuu
    aina muistossaan:
    ei sydän äidin koskaan
    unhota  lapsiaan.

     Dafna elämää kunnioittaen  ja  siunausta Naatan -isälle ja ja kuudelle lapselle  toivottaen
    Lea Bright

    fredag 12 februari 2016

    Tobiaan kirja

    Naftalin sukukunnan historiasta  tietoja Tobiaan kirjan kertomuksen ajalta. 

    söndag 7 februari 2016

    Salomonin Temppeli siellä missä sen voi pystyttää maapallolla

    Suomessakin olisi mahdollisuus rakentaa esim Mooseksen ilmestysmaja  raamatulliseen opetustarkoitukseen.

    Rooman Imperiumi- Kristinukso lähtee seemiläisestä kehdostaan vallloittamaan maailman kansoja

    Kreikkalainen Imperiumi tuotti kreikan kielialuetta ja Septuagintan

    Alexander the Great Unlabeled Royalty Free Stock Images

    Kyyroksen imperiumi


     Cyrus (PersianKuρuͽ) commonly known as Cyrus the Great and also known as Cyrus the Elder and the Sun King, was the second king of the Achaemenid Empire. Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Southwest Asia and much of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From the Mediterranean Sea and Hellespont in the west to the Indus River in the east, Cyrus the Great created the largest empire the world had yet seen. Under his successors, the empire eventually stretched from parts of the Balkans (Bulgaria-Pannonia) and Greece in the west, to the City of Delhi, India in the east. His regal titles in full were The Great King, King of Persia, King of Anshan, King of Media, King of Babylon, King of Sumer and Akkad, and King of the Four Corners of the World. He also proclaimed what has been identified by scholars and archaeologists to be the oldest known declaration of human rights, which was transcribed onto the Cyrus Cylinder in 539 B.C..
    Standard of Cyrus the Great (White)
    Standard of Cyrus the Great
    The reign of Cyrus the Great lasted 36 years. Cyrus built his empire by conquering first the Median successor state, the Lydian Empire and eventually the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Either before or after Babylon, he led an expedition into central Asia, which resulted in major campaigns that were described as having brought "into subjection every nation without exception". Cyrus did not venture into Egypt, as he refused to lead more expeditions after the death of his wife in 530 B.C. (except for one battle one month before his death). He was succeeded by a distant relative and high general Darius, who managed to add to the empire by conquering Egypt, the Indus Valley, Scythia and Thrace/Makedon during his rule.
    Expansion of the Empire under Cyrus

    Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. It is said that in universal history, the role of the Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus lies in its very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects. In fact, the administration of the empire through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works of Cyrus. What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion where because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible as Messiah (Isaiah 44:24, 26–45:3, 13) and is the only non-Jew to be called so:
    So said the Lord to His anointed one, to Cyrus - Yeshayahu, Isa 45:1-7
    Cyrus the Great is also well recognized for his achievements in human rights, politics, and military strategy, as well as his influence on both Eastern and Western civilizations. Cyrus has played a crucial role in defining the national identity of modern Eran. Cyrus and, indeed, the Achaemenid influence in the ancient world also extended as far as Athens, where many Athenians adopted aspects of the Achaemenid Persian culture as their own, in a reciprocal cultural exchange.

    Levanti n 600 eKr.

    Kymmenen sukukuntaa , Uus-Babylonian imperiumi


    Shalmaneser V

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Shalmaneser V (Akkadian: Šulmanu-ašarid; Hebrew: שַׁלְמַנְאֶסֶר, Modern Shalman'eser, Tiberian Šalmanʼéser; Greek: Σαλαμανασσαρ Salamanassar; Latin: Salmanasar) was king of Assyria from 727 to 722 BC. He first appears as governor of Zimirra in Phoenicia in the reign of his father, Tiglath-Pileser III. Evidence pertaining to his reign is scarce.
    On the death of Tiglath-Pileser, he succeeded to the throne of Assyria on the 25th day of Tebet 727 BC,[1] and changed his original name of Ululayu to the Akkadian name he is known by. While it has been suggested that he continued to use Ululayu for his throne name as king of Babylonia, this has not been found in any authentic official sources.[2]
    The name Shalmaneser is used for him in the Bible, which attributes to him the final conquest of the kingdom of Samaria (Israel) and the deportation of Israelites. According to 2 Kings, chapters 17-18, Shalmaneser accused Hoshea, King of Israel, of conspiring against him by sending messages to Pharaoh Osorkon IV of Egypt, and captured him. Indeed, the Egyptians attempted to gain a foothold in Israel, then held largely by Assyria's vassal kings, by stirring them to revolt against Assyria and lending them some military support.[3] After three years of siege he took the city of Samaria. The populations he deported to various lands of the empire, (together with ones deported about ten years earlier by Tiglath-Pileser III) are known as the "Ten Lost Tribes" of Israel. The populations he settled in Samaria instead form, according to a commentary in the Bible, the origin of Samaritans. Shalmaneser died in the same year, 722 BC, and it is possible that the population exchanges were done by his successor Sargon II.
    In the book of Tobit, chapter 1, the exiled Tobit is shown finding favor in Shalmaneser's court, only to lose influence under Sennacherib.


    Ruuben,Gaad ja puoli Manassen heimoa

    Fording the Khabur River in Al-Hasakeh
    Since the 1930s, numerous archaeological excavations and surveys have been carried out in the Khabur Valley, indicating that the region has been occupied since the Lower Palaeolithic period.[3] Important sites that have been excavated include Tell Halaf, Tell Brak, Tell Leilan, Tell Mashnaqa, Tell Mozan and Tell Barri. The region has given its name to a distinctive painted ware found in northern Mesopotamia and Syria in the early 2nd millennium BCE, called Khabur ware. The region of the Khabur River is also associated with the rise of the Kingdom of the Mitanni that flourished c.1500-1300 BC.
    The Khabur River is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:26 in the Hebrew Bible: "Tiglath-Pileser ... took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh into exile. He took them to Halah, Habor (Khabur), Hara and the River Gozan, where they are to this day". (NIV) The identification of the Khabur with the Habor is not contested.